Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm not dead...really!

Hey folks... so Amanda, I do have a good excuse for not blogging as often as I should be... I had no internet over the weekend! So am I excused now?... Thanks!
So Noah is NOT my son, for the record... just a little boy that came to visit with his father last week. Very cute kid but difficult to understand, since he refused to speak English with me. His granny is Brithish so he knows that language but too shy to speak it I guess. So I had a little fun with him and would speak to him in a British accent, that I was able to study in the early English morning I spent at Gatwick in London. Lovely darling... cherrio!
Noah's visit brings me to my next point... when ppl come to visit, whether from near or far... they stay the whole friggin day!!! So the first few of my days here were spent not working but chilling out with Swiss folks... who had no idea what I was saying and I had even lesser of a clue as to what was being said to me or about me!
At the moment I'm with Bill in Zürich... at the justice of the peace... just kidding folks!!! (His name's not Bill!) Take it how you like Noel! Have you ever listened to the song about the Rumor Weed???
Anyways... to get back to reality...Just hanging out for the day... went to King's Kurry... YUMMY! Walked around alot but it was great... bought a couple of things and now we're heading out for supper with a friend of Bill's.
Sent some letters out today... so watch your mail boxes folks!
Holy COW... Tim's engaged!!! Congrats!!! Yeah, pretty sure I'll be home for the wedding!!!
Hopefully I'll have the internet back up when I get home so I can post something tomoorow, to appease Amanda.


At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel much better, thank you for fitting us into your busy life =) haha
Guess what happened on ER!!!!!...I think I'll make you wait for a couple of days for it... lol
Love you!!!


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