Sunday, April 15, 2012

Absolutely no one will read this!

So I'm the biggest loser... and I'm not talking about weight loss!
I somehow found my blog again (after 4 years) when I posted a comment on a friend's blog, and I just spent a good chunk of the morning re-reading all my old posts... it didn't take that long since I wasn't a very faithful blogger after my return from Switzerland. Man, I had a great life! Not that I don't now, it's just different and all the great things happen around home instead of around the world. This life is much cheaper and more precious... sorry friends but my children are more precious than you!
I've had a ton of adventures and am continuing to have them... maybe I should start blogging again... wouldn't that be a hoot!


At 4:29 PM, Blogger Dan said...

I have a feeling you're not going to start blogging again. I predict this will be your last one.


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