Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I went to public skate last Friday with my cousins and bro at the infamous Jus Jordan Arena in the town of Iroquois Falls, Ontario. It was a FREE public skate by the way and lasted for 1 1/2 hours. See there are benefits to living in the North! This ice surface is the best that I have ever skated on. It would be termed 'soft ice' as opposed to 'hard ice'. Sorry guys, no comparison to the APM Center ice. The stuff is flooded to perfection... Northerners take their hockey very seriously... and it pays for us lowly public skaters! Anyways, I remember complaining to someone once about the hardness of the ice, and they just laughed at me, because ice is ice right? No way! Compare skating at an outside rink to an indoor one... big difference right? Outdoor ice feels more brittle... ugg... give me the willies just thinking about it... unless the outdoor ice is covered in snow, then it doesn't feel as bad cause it's insulated a bit. I think softer ice is better because it chips less because it's not so brittle... I don't know... Andy, these are things you should have asked the Zamboni driver for me!!! That was the best hockey camp moment ever!!!
I digress... and everyone is glad... how long can someone talk about the hardness of ice... betcha Dan Frew could!!!
Anyway, things were a little quiet the last few days. In the process of making plans for the last part of my travels. I'm heading to Peterborough tomorrow for a conference, I'll hang out at my stomping grounds for a few days before heading to Ajax, where I'll stay with my aunt and uncle and I'll visit some family while I'm there, namely my brother and grandparents and cousins.
AND... Wednesday, I'll be heading to the Yorkdale Mall to hang out with some old friends from the North (minus Grae, who is part North since he spent many a summer with us!) who now live in the South. So pumped to see everyone again! Thanks for contacting everyone, Andy... can't wait to see you girl! Need to find directions to the Mall first...
Well, it has been good to visit my North and for some strange reason I'm not completly ready to leave yet... usually I'm just itching to get out of here after being here for 2 weeks, especially in the winter, but not this time. Maybe someday I'll find myself back here, but not yet, not yet.


At 4:07 PM, Blogger The Book Worm said...

Soft Ice? I don't understand.

Oh well.

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bev! I didn't know where you were. I didn't think you were in church on Sunday, but you are in Ontario are you?

Ok, the ice thing. Hard ice is much better. Soft ice is slower, harder to skate on and more dangerous, while hard ice is faster, easier to skate on and all around better. I go skating every Tues with Kids Connection and guess what? I fell my first time yesterday on the SOFT ICE outside at Peak's by the warf. Soft or hard it still hurts and makes your butt wet!

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Bev said...

Haha! Nice to see you've found my blog Jer!
Sorry you don't get it, Sarah... I'll explain it better another time!

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Dan said...


Come on Bev, we expect a little more exciting topics than ice...

People only want to read blogs if they're interesting. Clearly you need to check my blog more often for what I mean by 'interesting'.

Just to clarify, again, my blog is

A really interesting blog is just a click away...

At 3:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi bev
how are you? i am seek but its okay. can you me write your home adress? i would like send a letter with a small packet.....

have a nice day

At 7:07 AM, Blogger nathan said...

I understand Bev..... even at the indoor rink here when we go skating... Celeste and I have noticed that the ice feels harder some night than others.... I guess depending on the temperature..... boo to skating on hard ice though

At 8:07 AM, Blogger The Book Worm said...

I guess I just haven't skated enough to notice a difference.


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