Monday, April 16, 2012

In which I prove Andy wrong by blogging again

Haha! There you have it! For once I have followed through... but I'm sure that it won't last. So don't start to get your hopes up. I've always been bad at journalling and this will be no different, I'm almost positive.
I'm thinking that I might use my blog as a place to write down the adventures I have with my girls. And by adventures I don't necessarily mean exciting trips (as I've had in my past... alone), I'll probably write more to vent out my frustrations but I'm sure there will be funny stories to share as well.
This morning, for example, we were at the table getting ready to say grace and we always hold hands to pray. Abby has been trying to assert her independence lately so she often chooses not to hold my hand or Joseph's or both. When she does this she often starts to eat while we are praying and this is becoming annoying to me so this morning I decided that it was going to end. If she doesn't want to hold hands, fine but she may not eat while her father and I pray and hold hands. When I suggested this she shoved her plate forward and it hit the butter dish. This would have been a non issue if her plate was plastic (as most of them are) but this morning I thought it would be nice if her plate matches ours and was glass. The only difference being was that ours were not form the dollar store... thankfully. Her plate cracked in half and was replaced... with another (glass) one from the dollar store. Not sure why I did that instead of just giving her a plastic plate, maybe I wanted to give her a chance to redeem herself.
Well, a little while later she found herself under the kitchen sink exploring its contents and found a ceramic cat that you stuff a scouring pad into its behind. Now she loves cats and proceeded to take it out and show it around the house. Kitty must have loved the place because it was kissing everything and as Abby brought it over to kiss me (or the office chair) it must have jumped and down, down, down to the hardwood floor and smash... another dollar store item meets it's end at the hands of my oh-so gentle daughter.
She should have been a boy...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Absolutely no one will read this!

So I'm the biggest loser... and I'm not talking about weight loss!
I somehow found my blog again (after 4 years) when I posted a comment on a friend's blog, and I just spent a good chunk of the morning re-reading all my old posts... it didn't take that long since I wasn't a very faithful blogger after my return from Switzerland. Man, I had a great life! Not that I don't now, it's just different and all the great things happen around home instead of around the world. This life is much cheaper and more precious... sorry friends but my children are more precious than you!
I've had a ton of adventures and am continuing to have them... maybe I should start blogging again... wouldn't that be a hoot!